Explore our classrooms below. We have rooms from Infant to school age.
Montessori education recognizes that children learn in different ways, and accommodates all learning styles. Students are also free to learn at their own pace, each advancing through the curriculum as he is ready, guided by the teacher and an individualized learning plan. In our center the teacher recognizes the importance of providing the child with developmentally-appropriate materials with the child’s true potential in mind. We focus on all aspects of learning; academics, social, emotional and help build the base for our children.

Infant Program
In the Infant room, we emphasize comfort to our young children. Our Infant room is filled with materials that keep the young ones busy. Our teachers follow a schedule that provide opportunities for social interaction. We have a circle time in which teachers sing songs and read stories. We also work on ``Sign Language`` that help young ones interact with others.

Young Toddler
The goal for this room is to have older children get challenged with activities and younger ones to get used to structure.

In this room, we work on social, emotional skills. At Lighthouse Learning Academy, we believe that this is a perfect age for children to learn language and work on their attention span. Our basic practical activities are designed to help foster needs of independence and creativity. Our teachers work on sign language along with music, large muscle coordination activities and group games.

Our preschool program is designed in such a way that let children explore Language, Math, Science and Geography areas. We provide comfortable, soothing and learning environment that help children in their self esteem. Our goal is to prepare your child for lifetime learning.
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School Age
At Lighthouse Learning Academy, we provide before and after care for our school agers. We know how important your family time is and keeping that in mind, our teachers make sure that your child's homework is done before they leave to spend time with you. On non-school days, we plan fun fieldtrips and activities appropiate for this age.